Can I sell physical products with Kajabi?

Kayla M.


Yes! Sell your physical products with Kajabi by embedding Shopify's Buy Button onto your page(s) or by integrating your preferred third-party distribution service with Zapier.

Shopify's Buy Button

Build your Shopify collection onto your site to sell directly from your pages (e.g., Store page, Homepage, Sales page).

Learn to Sell Physical Products on Kajabi with Shopify's Buy Button.

Integrate with Zapier

With Zapier, sell your physical products through your Offers on Kajabi by combining the power of Kajabi and your third-party distribution service.

For example, create a Zapier integration to trigger a fulfillment order from your distribution service (like Amazon) when an Offer on Kajabi is purchased from your site. 

Combining the power of Kajabi with your third-party distribution service gives you the tools to solve for various business needs like offering your physical products as Upsells and monitoring all transactions and reports within a single platform!

Learn how to use Zapier with Kajabi

Example third-party distribution integrations with Zapier:

  • Shopify (provides additional functionality beyond that available with just a Buy Button)
  • Amazon
An active account with your third-party distribution service (e.g., Amazon) is required to connect to Kajabi with Zapier.

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