Email Verification FAQ's

David Giali


To ensure the legitimacy of newly created Kajabi accounts, all new Kajabi accounts require verification via email once the trial period has began.

You may be wondering how this affects you. Here are a few FAQ's to help answer your questions.

In this article:

Email verification FAQ's

Does this affect pre-existing accounts?

Email verification affects accounts created after April 1st, 2021. It will not affect previously created accounts.


What if I need to change my account email? Will my new email need to be verified?

Yes, changing an account email will prompt the verification again.


What about additional users - will their email addresses need to be verified?

No, only the account owner needs to verify the account email address.

How to verify your email

If you're required to verify your email, you'll receive an email from Kajabi Support titled "Confirmation instructions" with a link to verify your email. 

To verify your email:

  • Open your email inbox with the email that requires verification.
  • Locate and open Confirmation instructions from Kajabi Support.
  • Then, click Verify your email to complete the verification process:


The link will expire 24 hours after receiving the email. If you're unable to verify your email before the link expires, you'll be prompted to request the confirmation instructions email again after clicking the link. Simply enter your email into the prompt and click "Resend confirmation instructions".

Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to Support if you need additional assistance. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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