How to Direct Message Community Members

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Learn to send a direct message (DM) to a member of your Community.

In this article:

Send a DM on the web app

To send a Community member a direct message (DM) from the Community web app:

  • Open the Products tab from your Kajabi Dashboard.
  • Navigate to the Community tab.
  • Click Go to Community.
  • Click Find Members in the left sidebar.
    (Or, click the message bubble icon at the top right, then click the pencil and paper icon).
  • Select the member you want to message.
    You can optionally type the member’s name into the search bar to locate them.
  • Click the send icon to the right of the member’s name.
  • Type your desired message into the text box.
    (Optional: click the paper clip icon to attach a PDF, audio, image, or video file).
  • Click the send icon (or hit the return/enter key on your keyboard):

Send a DM on the mobile app

To send a Community member a direct message (DM) from the Community mobile app:

  • Open your Community.
  • Select Circles from the bottom navigation menu.
  • Click the pencil and paper icon at the top right of your screen:

Pencil and Paper Icon.png

  • Select the member you want to send a message.
    You can optionally type the member’s name into the search bar to locate them.
  • Type your desired message into the text box.
    (Optional: click the paper clip icon to attach a PDF, audio, image, or video file).
  • Click Send:

Click Send.png

Want to speak with another member in a video chat instead of sending a DM? No problem! Simply select the member using the procedure above, then click the video icon to the right of the member’s name. You’ll be admitted to a video chat room in a new browser tab. The member you invited will receive a direct message with a link to the same video chat room. Please note that only Heroes and admins can initiate a video call. Members are not able to initiate or video call each other.

And that’s how you can direct message Community members! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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