Expert Store Pricing Plan FAQs

Kayla M.


Have questions about the Expert Store pricing? We have put together a few Frequently Asked Questions to help!

What happens to ongoing projects where there are still remaining invoices? Will those still be subject to the 20% commission?

  • If there are still remaining invoices on a project, the invoices will reflect the plan you have selected.
  • If you have chosen the Expert+ Plan within your Experts account, you will see a 10% commission reflected when your client pays future invoices.

What happens if I don't pick a plan?

If you do not choose a plan, your default plan will become the Approved Plan.

Can I upgrade my plan at any time?

Yes, you can choose to upgrade your plan at any time within your Experts profile located under the "Plans" tab.

What will happen if my current work samples exceed the limit of the new plan I choose?

We know you have worked hard to display your work, so everyone who was an Expert while in beta will be able to keep the work samples uploaded previously. There will be limitations on adding new work samples if you have exceeded your new plan limit.

How many active projects can I have open at once?

You can have a combination of prospective and active projects. If you are on the Approved Plan, you can have a combination of 3 prospective/active projects. If you are on the Expert+ Plan, you can have a combination of 10 prospective or active projects.

Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to if you need additional assistance. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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