Learn to test the Android version of your Branded App by publishing it to the closed testing track.
In this article:
- Why do I need to create a closed test?
- Creating a closed test
- Android App Submission Process
- Publishing your production app
Why do I need to create a closed test?
In November 2023, Google updated their rules and regulations to require anyone with a newly created personal developer account to run a closed app test with at least 20 testers who’ve been opted-in for at least 14 days in order to gain production access to publish an app to the Google Play Store.
This means you’ll need to create a closed test in Google Play if you created your personal Google Developer account after 12/1/23, or if you see an error message that “you don’t have access to production yet” when trying to publish your app into production:
Creating a closed test
To release your app to a closed test, first upload the application file (.aab file) to the Google Play Store.
To upload your AAB file:
- Log into the Play Console and select the app you want to work on:
- Once you’ve loaded the specific app, navigate to the Release section in the left dashboard menu.
- From the menu options under “Testing”, select Closed testing:
- On the closed testing page, click the dark blue button at the top right labeled either Manage track or Create track:
- Next, select the Testers tab:
- Add the name and email address of at least 20 people who will test the app before it goes live (i.e. yourself, members of your team, etc.):
- Scroll down and click Copy link to copy the testing link and keep it handy:
- At the top right corner of the page, select Create New Release (note: if there is already a release in progress, the button text will say Edit Release instead).
- Navigate to the App bundles section.
Adding the Build - Option 1
If you’ve previously uploaded your AAB file, or if Kajabi has successfully sent your build to the Store automatically:
- Click the Add from library link:
- Choose the newest build that was uploaded.
(Note: the newest build will have the highest version code.):
Once your build file is added, continue on to add your release notes.
Adding the Build - Option 2
If the build wasn’t automatically uploaded, follow these steps to do it manually.
- If you haven’t downloaded your AAB file yet, follow these instructions to download it. If you already have the AAB file, move on to the next step.
- Drag and drop your downloaded AAB file onto the box that says “Drop app bundles here to upload.”
Or, click Upload and select your AAB file:
It may take a few minutes for the AAB file to upload. Once your file is uploaded, continue on to add your release notes.
Add release notes
Once you’ve completed either Option 1 or Option 2 and added your AAB file:
- Scroll down to Release details and confirm that you see two new input fields, “Release name” and “Release notes”:
- A Release name will populate automatically after the AAB file upload completes. You can update it if desired.
- Add any Release notes you’d like to share with your app users. We recommend keeping your initial release notes simple, such as “Welcome to the app!” Don’t mention anything about users purchasing content in the Release notes section.
If you’d like to support multiple languages in your release notes, include the language reference codes for those languages. Here’s an example of using language reference codes for multiple languages:
- After entering your Release notes, click Next at the lower right.
- Click Save.
You can now access your closed testing app at the testing link you copied above.
Once your app has been downloaded and opted into by at least 20 people for at least 14 days, you can apply for production access.
Android App Submission Process
This guide will walk you through the steps to submit your Android app for approval and publish it.
Submitting the App for Approval
Log In to Your Developer Account:
- Go to the Google Play Console.
- Sign in with your Google Developer account credentials.
Select Your App:
- Click on the name of your developer account.
- Select your app from the list (e.g., "Kajabi Branded App").
Initiate Production Submission:
- On the dashboard, find the option to apply your app for production:
Complete the Closed Beta Questionnaire:
- You will be redirected to Google’s Closed Beta Questionnaire.
- Answers can be updated if necessary based on your business needs.
Note:We recommend following the response guide provided via email from bma.support@kajabi.com. If you have not received a guide or need help with these responses, please reach out to us.
Await Review and Response:
- After submitting the Closed Beta Questionnaire, your app will undergo another review by Google.
- Google will either approve and publish your app or request additional information.
- If further questions arise, the Kajabi Branded App team will handle them.
By following these steps, you’ll ensure that your app is properly submitted for review and publication on the Google Play Store.
Publishing your production app
To publish your app once the production app has been approved:
- Log into your Google Play Console.
- In the left dashboard menu, navigate to the Release section.
- From the menu options under “Testing”, select Closed testing.
(Or, if you used a different Testing option, such as "Internal testing", select that option.) - At the middle of the page, click Promote Release.
- Select Production:
You’ll be directed to a Production page with your app file already copied over:
- Fill out your release notes in the “Release details” section like you did above.
- Click Next at the lower right.
- On the next page, confirm that there are no errors.
- Click Save at the lower right.
Finally, you’ll see a popup asking if you want to navigate to the “Publishing overview”:
- Click Go to overview.
(Note: if you accidentally click “Not now” or don’t see the popup, you can easily get to the Publishing overview page on the left menu near the top.):
On the right side of the page, you’ll see a button with the text Send x changes for review.
- Confirm that you don’t have any errors.
- Click Send x changes for review. There may be multiple changes even if you’re doing your initial launch because Google reviews multiple things. For example, your privacy policy page, and verifying they can successfully log into the app:
- When prompted, confirm your submission.
You’ve now completed the steps to send your app to the Google Play Store for review and publication.
And that’s how to publish your Branded App to the closed testing track! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!