Add a floating action button to your Branded App to include a menu of custom page links.
In this article:
- What is the floating action button?
- Add a floating action button with custom links to your app
- Update or delete your button links
What is the floating action button?
The floating action button is a round clickable button in the lower right corner of the Branded App homepage. Your button will have the brand color you selected in your app settings:
When a user clicks the button, a menu of up to five custom page links of your choice will appear. For example, you can choose to link out to your product offers or upsells, your blog, your podcast, or your social media sites:
Add a floating action button with custom links to your app
To add a floating action button with a menu of custom page links to your Branded App:
- Select Branded Mobile App from your Kajabi dashboard.
If you’ve fully completed your app setup, you should see your app Design settings. - Select the Design tab.
- Click Customize:
- Open the phone icon:
- Toggle on Custom Links:
- Then, click + New link:
A link settings menu will appear on the right side of the page:
- Enter a Title for your link.
- Next, click the URL dropdown menu and select an icon for your link.
- Then, enter your URL address.
- Click Save & Publish to add your link to the floating action button in your app:
- Continue adding custom links as desired (you can add up to five links).
Update or delete your button links
Want to change or remove the links you’ve added to the floating action button? Simply follow the steps below to update or delete links. Your changes will automatically appear the next time your users load the app.
Update a link
To update a page link in your floating action button menu:
- Select Branded Mobile App from your Kajabi dashboard.
If you’ve fully completed your app setup, you should see your app Design settings. - Select the Design tab.
- Click Customize.
- Open the phone icon:
- Navigate to Custom Links.
- Select the link you wish to update.
A link settings popup menu will appear.
- Edit the link Title, icon and/or URL address as desired.
- Click Save to apply your changes to the floating action button in your app:
Delete a link
To delete a page link from your floating action button menu:
- Select Branded Mobile App from your Kajabi dashboard.
If you’ve fully completed your app setup, you should see your app Design settings. - Select the Design tab.
- Click Customize.
- Open the phone icon:
- Navigate to Custom Links.
- Click the X icon next to the link you wish to delete:
A confirmation popup will appear.
- Click Delete to remove the link from the floating action button in your app.
And that’s how you can add custom links to your Branded App! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!