Official Communities Insiders

Kayla M.


Let your voice be heard by becoming a Kajabi Community Insider.

What is a Community Insider?

As a Community Insider, you have the power to make change and initiate conversation around Kajabi Communities. Exclusive to the Official Communities Insiders, Kajabi Heroes can submit feature requests, get your questions answered, and more regarding Kajabi Communities.

Need inspiration for your own Community? Click here to learn about the Community Showcase.

How to become a Community Insider?

Sign up to become a Community Insider here!


Report a bug

Found a bug in Kajabi Communities? As a part of the Official Communities Insiders, you can report a bug directly to our Community team by clicking the link and following the steps provided:

Request a feature

What would it look like if you could create the community of your dreams? By requesting a feature, you can impact change in Kajabi Communities.

Although your request is not guaranteed, we use your input and other strategic goals to decide what to build for you.

To request a feature:

  • Log into the Official Communities Insiders.
  • Use the search function to see if your idea has been submitted. If it has, upvote it and leave any comments with additional feedback.
  • If you don't see it already, create a post!
  • We will do our best to keep you updated on if/when you can expect movement on your request.

And that’s how you can become a Community Insider! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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