Follow the steps in this guide to transfer your iOS app into your own Apple Developer account.
In this article:
- Step 1. Prepare your app account info
- Step 2. Complete the transfer in App Store Connect
- Step 3. Update your Branded App info in Kajabi
Step 1. Prepare your app account info
You’ll need to submit the following account information to complete the app transfer process:
- Full name
- Email address
- Phone number
- Support URL
- Marketing URL
- Privacy policy
Make sure the email address and privacy policy URL you submit match those listed in your Branded App branding settings in Kajabi.
To open your Branded App branding settings:
- Log into your Kajabi account.
- Select Settings at the lower left corner of your Kajabi dashboard.
- Then, select Branded Mobile App Settings:
- Navigate to Brand Assets and click Revisit Branding:
- Select Terms & Privacy:
Step 2. Complete the transfer in App Store Connect
Once you have your account information ready, complete the app transfer process in your App Store Connect account.
To transfer your app:
- Log into your App Store Connect account.
- You should see a yellow notification banner at the top of the page stating that you have an app transfer request pending acceptance.
- Click on Agreements, Tax, and Banking:
- Under “App Transfers”, verify that you see the pending app transfer request.
- In the “Action” column at the far right of the App Transfer record, click Review:
- Scroll down the page to “New App Metadata”.
- Enter your metadata information. Be sure to include https:// at the front of each URL:
- Support URL
- Marketing URL
- Privacy Policy URL
- Next, enter your contact information:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Under “App Privacy”, select Keep existing responses.
- Review the Application Transfer Agreement.
- Check I have read and agree to the terms presented above:
- At the top right corner of the page, click Accept:
You’ll be directed to a page indicating that your App Transfer status is now “Active”.
To verify that your app transfer has completed successfully:
- Click the App Store Connect logo:
- Then, click Apps:
- If you don’t immediately see the app icon for your Branded App on the “Apps” page, keep refreshing your browser page until you see your app icon.
Step 3. Update your Branded App info in Kajabi
After transferring your app into your own Apple Developer account, you’ll need to update a few pieces of information in your Kajabi Branded App settings.
Click here for the final steps to complete the app transfer process.
And that’s how you can transfer your iOS app to your account! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!