How to Create Your First Paid Apple App Offer for Approval

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Learn to create your very first paid Apple App Offer for your Branded Mobile App. 

In this article:

Step 1. Set up your banking and tax info

Before creating in-app purchase offers in your Branded App, you will need to provide your Banking and Tax information with Apple and Google. 

Learn to set up your banking and tax info with Apple and how to set up a merchant account for Google in-app purchases.

Step 2. Create your first paid in-app offer

After setting up your banking and tax information, you can begin to create your very first paid in-app offer! Learn to create a paid in-app offer.

Step 3. Add the course(s) included in your first app offer on our Branded App home screen

Customize your branded app home screen to display the courses available with your in-app offer. 

Wait 10-15 minutes for Kajabi to automatically finish up your new app build before moving on to the next step. 

Step 4. Submit your first paid Apple App Offer for Approval

The first time you create a paid App Offer for the iOS version of your Branded App, you’ll need to complete an extra step inside your App Store Connect account. After that, you’ll be able to conveniently create all of your additional App Offers from within your Kajabi account.

To submit your first paid App Offer to Apple:

  • Log into your App Store Connect account.
  • Click the blue “+” button at the top left to create a new app version:

Blue Plus Button.png

A modal popup will appear where you can enter your New Version number.

  • Enter the next number in your app version sequence. This can be any number, though we recommend numbering each version one increment higher than the last (example: 5.0.2).
  • Click Create:

New Version.png

A new app version will be created.

  • Next, scroll down to the “What’s new in this version” field.
  • Enter a short description of what’s new (example: bug fixes and optimizations):

What's New.png

  • Scroll down the page to the “Build” section and click Add Build:

Add Build.png

  • Select the latest build version from the popup modal (note: in the example below, the latest build version is 12.0.0, but yours may have a different version number).
  • Click Done:

Build Version.png

  • Scroll down to the “In-App Purchases and Subscriptions” section.
  • Click Select In-App Purchases or Subscriptions:

Select IAPs.png

A modal popup will appear with the option to add an in-app purchase to your app.

  • Select the checkbox next to your in-app purchase item (note: the name of your in-app purchase item may be different from the name in the example below).
  • Click Done:

Add IAP to App.png

  • Next, scroll all the way to the top of the page.
  • Click Add for Review in the top right corner:

Add for Review.png

  • On the next page, click Submit to App Review in the top right corner:

Submit to App Review.png

That’s it, you’re all set! Your latest app build, including your in-app purchase offer, will be approved by Apple. The approval process typically takes a few days.

Why is my in-app purchase pending approval?

If you see your App Offer status listed as “Pending Submission” in your Kajabi Branded App settings, this means that Apple has yet to approve your in-app purchase submission. 

Apple reviews all first-time in-app purchase submissions to ensure that they comply with Apple’s terms and conditions. This process usually takes a few days, and may take longer in some cases. Please check back in a few days for a status update.

And that’s how you can create your first Apple App Offer for approval! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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