Kajabi Heroes who want to use Kajabi Payments or the third-party Stripe integration are subject to Stripe’s Prohibited & Restricted Business List (RBL). Stripe’s RBL can be confusing, so we’ve pulled together this handy guide for you.
Bottom line, Kajabi Heroes are supported by Stripe and can sell their content including courses, communities, memberships, newsletters, live events, etc. and receive payouts using Stripe.
In addition, new creators, entrepreneurs, etc. may join Kajabi and begin selling content using Kajabi Payments or the third-party Stripe integration without pre-approval unless pre-approval is required due to their specific industry or content (as specified in the RBL).
Some of you may notice that Stripe’s RBL includes the following language under “Restricted Businesses”:
“Content creation platforms (See the FAQs for additional details)
Platforms that host or distribute third-party content and enable content creators to:
- Receive content-related tips and other payments in exchange for their content
- Sell exclusive content or digital goods
Note: Individual content creators on approved platforms (for example, connected accounts of an approved Stripe Connect user) and those directly distributing their own content (for example, on their own website) do not require pre-approval. However, all content creators must comply with the Stripe Services Agreement and this Prohibited and Restricted Businesses list (which, for example, prohibits the sale of adult content) and are subject to monitoring by Stripe to ensure compliance.”
What does this language mean for current and new Heroes?
Heroes who use Kajabi are considered “individual content creators” who “are directly distributing their own content.” As a result, Heroes generally do not require pre-approval and are not restricted by the RBL unless their industry or specific content are restricted (as specified in the RBL).
What does this language mean for Kajabi?
Though Kajabi is a platform, it is not subject to the restriction on “content creation platforms” because Kajabi operates as “a platform whose products enable content creators to distribute their own content (for example, on their own website) and receive compensation for it.”
Stripe provided the following FAQ to make this clear:
“I operate a platform whose products enable content creators to distribute their own content (for example, on their own website) and receive compensation for it. Do I require pre-approval?
No, you’re not directly distributing your customers’ content and thus don’t require pre-approval. Each of your customers would be considered individual content creators and would likewise not require pre-approval. They must comply with the Stripe Services Agreement and our Prohibited and Restricted Businesses list (which, for example, prohibits the sale of adult content) and are subject to monitoring by Stripe to ensure compliance.”
Additional Questions?
If you are using Kajabi Payments and have any additional questions, please reach out to payments.support@kajabi.com. If you are using the Stripe third-party integration and have any additional questions, please reach out to support@stripe.com.