Does Kajabi Have a Public API?
Kajabi's API is currently in a private beta phase. You may apply to be accepted here.
Once accepted, refer to our Kajabi API getting started page for more information.
What Can I Use Within Kajabi to Achieve Similiar Results?
Within Kajabi, Webhooks may be used for a similiar purpose, where you can pass data to for user creation or offer deactivation (which most 3rd parties use for integration).
How to use webhooks with Kajabi
Can I also use Zapier?
Yes! Zapier is a great alternative. We've created an official Kajabi Zapier app that lets you integrate more easily with any 3rd party platforms you might be using.
Submit a Feature Request
If you would like to request a public API feature in a future update, please consider submitting a feature request to let our Devs know that there is a need for this feature.
Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to Support if you need additional assistance.
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