Learn how to enable the cart on your website and landing pages while it’s in the Private Beta stage.
In this article:
- Kajabi Cart Overview
- What’s Included?
- What’s Next?
- How to Enable the Kajabi Cart
- Update Your Website and Landing Page Themes
Kajabi Cart Overview
Kajabi Cart allows your customers to purchase multiple offers in a single transaction. Unlike the Offer Checkout and Popup Checkout experiences, which are designed for single offers to be bought at a time, the cart lets you bundle digital courses, memberships, and coaching programs into a single transaction. This eliminates the need for third-party cart tools and offers an improved checkout experience to drive higher-value transactions and streamline the checkout process for your customers.
What’s Included?
The first version of the cart supports:
- One-time offers and free offers
- Kajabi Payments, including Apple Pay, Google Pay, Afterpay, and Klarna
- Custom button styling
- Customer fields
- Service agreement consent
- Email opt-in
- Card storage opt-in
- Xero and Quickbooks integrations
What’s Next?
Kajabi Cart will eventually support all of the same core functionality, including:
- Stripe
- Paypal
- Coupons & discounts
- Affiliates links and coupons
- Sales tax
- Upsell and downsells
- Order bumps
- Zapier & webhooks
- Custom Fields
- Full Reporting & Analytics
How to Enable Kajabi Cart
To enable the Cart feature, you must first customize the cart.
Customize Kajabi Cart:
- Open the Sales tab from the dashboard.
- Select the Cart page.
- Customize your Cart Settings.
- Click Save to keep your changes:
In the Cart Settings, you can customize the:
- Button Background Color
- Button Label Color
- Button Label Text
- Outline Button Color
- Button Border Radius
- Payment Providers
- Customer Fields
- Service Agreements
Button Background Color
Customize the color of the button background by clicking Solid button background and selecting a color from your site color palette.
If you prefer to use a custom color, click the color wheel and then either enter your RGB color code or use the sliders to choose your color.
- The vertical bar allows you to select the hue.
- The square box allows you to select the brightness.
- The horizontal bar allows you to select the opacity of your color.
Toggle between Cart and Checkout to update the button styling on each page:
Button Label Color
Customize the color of the button text by clicking Button label and selecting a color from your site color palette.
If you prefer to use a custom color, click the color wheel and then either enter your RGB color code or use the sliders to choose your color.
- The vertical bar allows you to select the hue.
- The square box allows you to select the brightness.
- The horizontal bar allows you to select the opacity of your color.
Toggle between Cart and Checkout to update the button styling on each page:
Button Label Text
Enter your custom text to display on your CTA button. Use this opportunity to communicate to your users what the button will do.
Toggle between Cart and Checkout to update the button styling on each page.
Outline Button Color
Customize the color of the button outline by clicking Outline button and selecting a color from your site color palette.
If you prefer to use a custom color, click the color wheel and then either enter your RGB color code or use the sliders to choose your color.
- The vertical bar allows you to select the hue.
- The square box allows you to select the brightness.
- The horizontal bar allows you to select the opacity of your color.
Button Border Radius
Customize the Button Border Radius from square to round edges.
Toggle between Cart and Checkout to update the button styling on each page:
Payment Providers
Select the payment options that will be available in your Cart checkout page. This setting will override the payment provider settings on your offers:
Customer Fields
Collect additional information about your customer, including:
- Name
- Address
- Phone number:
Service Agreements
Customize the service agreement to allow customers to consent to the Terms and Conditions policy for your business.
- Not Required
- Default Template
- Custom
Update Your Website and Landing Page Themes
Kajabi Cart is available for Encore Site 1.7.0 and Encore Page 2.7.0 or above. Any existing pages you wish to enable the cart or include Add to Cart CTAs will need to be updated to these versions first.
Learn how to update your website and landing page themes
To update your website template:
- Open the Website tab from your Dashboard.
- Locate the template you wish to update.
- Click Update.
- Review the information provided in the Update Modal.
- Acknowledge and check the disclaimer, "I understand that any changes I've made using the Code Editor may not be applied to this template version".
- Then, click Update Now.
To update your landing page template:
- Open the Website tab from your Dashboard.
- Select the Pages tab.
- Click Landing Pages.
- Locate the template you wish to update.
- Click Update.
- Review the information provided in the Update Modal.
- Click Preview Update.
- Acknowledge and check the disclaimer, "I understand that any changes I've made using the Code Editor may not be applied to this template version".
- Then, click Update Now.
Customize Your Add-to-Cart Buttons
Any Call to Action can be used as an Add to Cart button.
Learn how to add a Call to Action block to your website and landing pages
To create an Add to Cart button using the Call to Action block:
- Select the Website Pages or Landing Pages tab.
- Open the page editor for your Page. Learn more
- Click the Section you want to edit or create a new Section.
- In the sidebar, click Add Content.
- From the list choose any block that contains a Call to Action such as the offer block, call to action block or pricing card.
- Your newly created Block will be generated at the bottom of the Section.
- In the Button Action dropdown, select Add to Cart and choose the associated offer.
- Customize the text to display in your CTA button.
- Click Save to keep your changes:
Enable Kajabi Cart in Your Website Header
You can enable the cart so that it appears on any of your website or landing pages.
- Select the Website Pages or Landing Pages tab.
- Open the page editor for your Page. Learn more
- Click on the Header section
- Check the box to Enable Cart
- Click Save to keep your changes:
Why can’t I enable Kajabi Cart in the header of my website?
The cart is available in Encore Site 1.7.0 and Encore Page 2.7.0 or above. Any existing pages you wish to enable the cart or include Add to Cart CTAs will need to be updated to these versions first.
I’ve enabled Kajabi Cart. Why isn’t Kajabi Cart cart appearing on my website?
You must enable the cart in the header of every page you wish to have it appear. Your header will only appear at the top of the page if it contains content, like your logo or menu. For the header and cart to appear on mobile, you must have the Hide Header option in the Mobile Layout Section Settings of your header unchecked.
After checking out, where will customers be directed?
Customers will be directed to the Member Library after placing an order.
Where can I see cart transactions in my dashboard?
Orders placed from Kajabi Cart will appear on the Transactions page in your dashboard.
Are cart analytics available?
Not yet! Stay tuned for reporting in the near future. During the beta you’ll see the cart transactions included on the transactions page as well as within your payouts.
Will the automations set up on the individual offers still work?
Yes, your automations will still be triggered when offers are purchased via the cart.
Which payment providers are used for Kajabi Cart?
The cart will use the payment providers configured in the Cart Settings for all orders. These settings will override the payment providers that are selected on the offer level.
How do I refund Offers that a customer originally checked with using Kajabi Cart?
You can issue full or partial refunds for Offers that customers purchased using Kajabi Cart. For detailed steps and guidelines, check out our guide to refunding Kajabi Cart Offers.
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