How to Delete a Contact

David Giali


Learn to delete contacts and customers from your list. 

Deleted contacts or customers are permanently removed including all records related to the customer such as product progress and cannot be recovered. If your customer has future payments (such as a recurring subscription Offer), their future payment transactions will be canceled upon deletion.

Delete a contact

  • Open the Contacts tab from your Dashboard.
  • Select the Contact or Customer you want to delete.
  • Open the More Actions menu.
  • Click the Delete icon.
  • Read and follow the directions for the Deletion Warning and popup to confirm your intent to delete.
  • Then, click Permanently Delete to confirm:

And that’s how you can delete a contact!

Looking to delete multiple contacts in bulk? Click here to learn more.

If you re-import your deleted contact, their previous information will not be restored. Attempting to resubscribe a contact by deleting and re-importing will require a double opt-in confirmation from the contact to resubscribe the deleted contact to your marketing emails.

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