How to Upload From a List of Recent Videos or Images

David Giali


After uploading an image or video to Kajabi, it is stored in your site to easily upload again. 

To upload from a list of recent videos or images:

  • Open the editor for Pages, Products, or Settings.
  • Edit the area containing an image or video.
  • Choose Select a Recent File from the dropdown:

View up to 100 files from your list of recent uploads.

Do not use the Recent Files option as your primary method of storing your business images. We highly recommend keeping copies of your files on your local hard drive and creating backups. Uploading images and videos from your hard drive (as new files) to Kajabi will retain the integrity of the original file.

And that's how you can upload from a list of recent videos or images! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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