Stock photos are professional photographs that can be used and reused for commercial design purposes. Here are 10 great stock photo websites:
One of the oldest and most trusted free image sites, Unsplash provides new stock photos each week from a variety of photographers on almost any subject you can imagine. You can download up to 10 free images a week.
Death to Stock
If searching for images isn’t your thing, you can sign up for Death to Stock to email you images each and every week straight to your inbox. All you have to do is open an email.
Catering mainly to bloggers and designers, Picjumbo is another site that adds photos daily and provides a plugin for Photoshop or Sketch (for a fee) if you want to edit the photos after-the-fact.
Startup Stock Photos
Looking for photos of office images? Startup Stock Photo has you covered. This site is particularly useful if you’re looking for images related to starting or running your own business.
Created by SEO expert Martin Vorel, Libreshot offers a variety of different photos that often fit perfectly with SEO optimized videos and blog posts.
Pexels curates images that are free to use under the Creative Commons Zero license, which is a fancy way of saying that you can use them for personal or commercial use and you don’t even need to provide any sort of credit or attribution for them.
Photographer Ryan McGuire provides beautiful high-resolution images that will add zeal and flavor to any of your videos.
New Old Stock
If you want to add some cool Black and White images to your videos to add an old-world flair, look no further than New Old Stock.
Created by Daniel Nanescu, a photographer working out of Italy, Splitshire provides very clean, streamlined images that are perfect for your presentations.
Stock Snap IO
The last entry on this list is Stock Snap IO, whose mission statement is "No tricks, no gimmicks, no fine print; just dazzling images for your creative projects."
These 10 sites are a great starting point for finding royalty-free stock images to create engaging, visually stimulating imagery that will help your viewers retain more information.
Start adding images to your site today!
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