How to Add a JavaScript Tracking Code to Your Checkout Pages

David Giali


A tracking code is a small snippet of JavaScript code provided by a third-party tracking application (such as Google Analytics) to help you monitor where your traffic is coming from. Learn how to add a JavaScript tracking code to your Checkout Pages.

Introducing custom code to your site can open you up to vulnerabilities and potential malware attacks. We recommend using vulnerability tools like VirusTotal or Snyk to scan any custom code that you intend to use and apply certain best practices to help reduce potential impact.

Add checkout tracking code

Once you have a tracking code from a third-party application, copy your code and head to your Kajabi Dashboard.

To add your tracking code:

  • Open the Settings tab from your Dashboard.
  • Select the Checkout Settings option.
  • Scroll down to the Checkout Tracking Code section.
  • Depending on your tracking application's instructions, paste your tracking code in either the Header or Footer Tracking Code text box.
The Header Tracking Code text box will add your code to the <head> section of every Checkout Page and the Footer Tracking Code text box will add your code to the <body> section of every Checkout Page.

And that's how to add a Javascript Tracking Code to your Checkout Pages! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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