Learn to add an Affiliate user by manually importing them onto your site or enabling registrations with your Affiliate Signup Link.
Invite new affiliate users to your site
Manually add new affiliate users to your site by sending an invite to join your site as an Affiliate.
To invite Affiliate Users:
- Open the Sales tab from your Dashboard.
- Then, select Affiliates.
- Open Settings from the top navigation menu.
- Be sure to deselect Enable Self-registrations to manually invite Affiliates.
- Then, in the top menu click Users.
- There, click + Invite Affiliates in the top right corner of the page.
- Enter the name and email address of your new Affiliate(s).
- Then, click Invite:
You will receive an email from Kajabi Support to the email associated with your account when the Affiliate import process has been completed.
There are very specific guidelines you need to follow in order to successfully import Affiliate Users through a CSV. Please pay close attention to these instructions and make sure your CSV file is set up exactly as shown below:
- First and Last Name,email address
- No extra commas or special characters
John Doe,jdoe@example.com
Jane Smith,jsmith@example.com
The CSV file must look exactly like this in order to be accepted and successfully imported into Kajabi.
After importing your Affiliate Users, activate Affiliate Commission to credit your Affiliates for transactions made with their Share Links. Learn more
What happens after I invite an Affiliate?
An invited Affiliate will display an "invite pending" banner until they have confirmed their desire to join as an Affiliate of your site:
Your invited Affiliate will have up to 72 hours to confirm and verify their email before they are successfully added to your site.
Affiliate invite email:
Your invited Affiliate will see your site name and have the option to reach out to your support email if they have any questions.
If your Affiliate has not confirmed within the 72 hours you can send another invite.
When your Affiliate confirms their desire to be added to your site as an Affiliate user they will receive your customized Affiliate Welcome Email.
Learn to customize your Affiliate Welcome Email.
Send the affiliate signup link
Enable self-registrations to allow new Affiliate users to self-register to your site.
To allow Affiliate signups, first enable your Affiliate registrations:
- Open the Sales tab from your Dashboard.
- Click Affiliates.
- Open Settings from the top navigation menu.
- Toggle on Enable Self-Registrations:
After enabling registrations, copy and share the Affiliate Sign Up link:
- Open the Sales tab from your Dashboard.
- Click Affiliates.
- Select Copy next to the Affiliate Signup Link from the Affiliate dashboard:
And that’s how to create an Affiliate user! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!