If you are having trouble connecting your Kajabi account with Paypal, you may be experiencing one or more of these issues. Learn to troubleshoot your PayPal integration issues with this guide.
In this article:
- API credentials
- Create app button is greyed out
- Sandbox account status error
- PayPal payment modal disappears
- PayPal seller protection
API credentials
A crucial step in setting up your PayPal integration is making sure you are using the Live API Credentials and not the Sandbox API Credentials. The Live API Credentials will be used for your PayPal integration. It will not be possible to integrate successfully when using the Sandbox API Credentials.
Create app button is greyed out
Sometimes the Create App button will be unclickable or greyed out for a period of time after creating your PayPal Business account.
Don't worry! The Create App option will be available after 24 hours or perhaps sooner.
Please reach out to PayPal support if you have further issues with this. You can reach them here, https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/contact-us.
Sandbox account status error
You will need to have an active Sandbox Account in order to complete the PayPal integration.
There is not currently a way to fix this on our end.
You will need to reach out to PayPal customer support in order to resolve this issue. You can reach them here, https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/contact-us.
error is triggered by an outdated Offer. This error usually comes up when using an Offer that was created before we released our native PayPal integration. The error will look like this:
An easy fix for this issue would be to recreate or Duplicate the offer giving you the error. Learn how to duplicate an offer by clicking here. Use the freshly duplicated Offer on your sales pages and your users should be able to complete their purchase without issue.
If this does not help solve the issue, please feel free to reach out to our 24/7 Live Chat or send a help request to Support.
PayPal payment modal disappears
This error has to do with how you have your PayPal account set up. This is usually caused by not having subscriptions enabled in your PayPal business account.
You'll need to go to this link: https://developer.paypal.com/developer/accountstatus and enable subscription payments in your account.
If enabling subscriptions does not keep the payment modal from disappearing, you will need to reach out to PayPal customer support in order to resolve this issue. You can reach them here, https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/contact-us.
PayPal seller protection
Learn what is covered and what is not covered under PayPal's seller protection plan here, https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/security/seller-protection.
Intangible purchases like services, digital goods, etc. are not covered by PayPal.
Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to Support if you need additional assistance. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!