Customizing Block Animations

David Giali


Learn to add Animations to your Blocks to create a visual effect when a visitor opens your page.

In this article:

Adding animations to your block

Animations can add a lot of personality to your page. With Animations, add motion to each individual Block as the page loads and scrolls.

Select the type, direction, delay, and duration of your animation.

  • Open the Website tab from your Dashboard.
  • Select the Pages tab.
  • Open the page editor for your Page. Learn more
  • Hover over the block you want to customize and click Edit
  • Navigate to the sidebar and locate your Block Settings.
  • Click Animations to access the Block Animation Settings
  • Be sure to click Save to keep and apply your changes:

Easily identify the Blocks with Animation Settings enabled when customizing your page:


Animation settings

Animation types:


Make your Block fade onto the page when a visitor scrolls to the Block:


Make your Block flip onto the page when a visitor scrolls to the Block:



Make your Block zoom onto the page when a visitor scrolls to the Block:



Select the direction of the element's Animation:

  • Up
  • Down
  • Left
  • Right

Animation delay

The number of seconds before the element begins its Animation once a visitor reaches the Block.

Be mindful of the Animation Delay; Animations should be timed around the 100ms to 1 second (the "sweet spot") where users can recognize the animation without confusion and are seamlessly led through your landing page flow. 

Animation duration

The number of seconds the animation will last.

This can change how your Animation appears. Depending on the number of seconds selected, your Animation can quickly appear or slowly appear when your visitor scrolls to the Block.

And that's how to customize Block Animations! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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