Partner Stats

Kayla M.

This article is for Kajabi Heroes enrolled in the Hero Partner Program.
If you don’t have an active Kajabi subscription and are part of the Kajabi Partner Program, or are interested in joining, please access relevant resources here.

Learn to understand your Partner Stats to keep track of your referrals and earnings.

Defining your partner stats

  • Total Clicks: Total number of times your Partner link has been clicked.
  • Trialing Referrals: Number of referrals you currently have trialing.
  • Active Referrals: Number of referrals you currently have active.
  • This Month So Far: The amount of commission earned from the first of the month to the end of the month (note: this resets to 0 at the beginning of each month).
  • To Be Paid On The 25th: Commission you can expect on the 25th of the current month (due to the 60-day hold, this payout is for the commission earned 2 months prior).
  • Lifetime Earnings: Total amount of commission earned.


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