Funnels Overview

Kayla M.


Learn about Funnels and how to use them.

Welcome to Funnels!

Funnels are advanced funnel creators on Kajabi to simplify the relationship between marketing and sales by automating the entire process.

With Funnels, you can begin building your content and brand directly into the pre-built landing pages and email copy included with each Funnel Template. 

Learn to Generate a Funnel.

Funnel Templates help you get a quick start with pre-built landing pages and email copy to create:

  • a Freebie
  • Sales Page 
  • Product Launches

and more!

Each Funnel Template, when clicked, has a specific outline of the exact landing pages and email sequences it will create including a video that explains how to best use the Funnel in more depth.

Learn about Kajabi's Funnel Templates.

Additional resources:

Join us for a Live Workshop on Building Your Funnels:
Do you want live instructions on how to build your funnels, with the ability to have your questions answered live by the Kajabi Team? Join us on Wednesdays at 9 AM Pacific Time for a live workshop on how to build your launch funnel. Click to learn more and reserve your spot.

And that's an overview of Kajabi's Funnels! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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