Learn to create digital products and services with Kajabi Products.
In this article:
Products on Kajabi
Products on Kajabi are digital products and services delivered online. They can be used for various purposes:
- Course
- Community
- Podcast
- Coaching
Begin creating your Products in Kajabi and discover how you can best utilize this feature to accomplish your vision.
We recommend configuring your Site Details Settings to set up the basic information for your site to save you time and effort when building your Products, including:
- Branding
- Colors
- Instructor
Completing the Instructor section will generate your Instructor information across all the Course Products you create.
To access your Instructor settings:
- Open the Settings tab from the Dashboard.
- Click Site Details.
- Navigate down to the Instructor text box and complete the field.
- Click Save to keep your changes:
Create your Product
Opening the Products tab will bring you to the Product Dashboard.
Product Dashboard contains all the products you have created to easily access and edit existing Products. Additionally, create new products from the Product Dashboard.
Create a new Product
- Open the Products tab from the Dashboard.
- Navigate to the top right corner.
- Click + New Product.
- Select your desired type of Product (Course, Podcast, Community, or Coaching) and click Get Started:
Course Lessons and Modules
The content in your Course Product is organized into Modules and Lessons:
- Learn to create a Course Lesson.
- A Module is an organizational tool that can be used to collect Lessons under a similar heading, much like a topic or a chapter of a book. Learn to create a Module.
Read our full article Course Lesson and Course Module Overview to learn more.
You can also provide live video sessions, test your Course customers' knowledge by adding Quizzes to your Course, and/or recognize their mastery of your Course material with a Certificate of Completion.
Course Product Delivery Settings
Specific Course product delivery settings will determine how and when your customers access your content.
- Draft and Published can be used to adjust the visibility of a specific Lesson, Module, or Quiz in your Course Product. Generating a new Module will always default your Module and Lessons to Draft status to keep your changes in draft mode until you are ready for your customers to view and access your newly created content.
- Lock requires your customers to complete a specific Lesson or Quiz before moving on to the next Module. They'll be able to move on to your locked Module when the specified Lesson or Quiz has been marked "complete".
- Drip is used to release content over time. Dripped content will be released by the specified number of days from your customer's original access date.
Edit your Course Lesson
Media Content
Upload media content to your Course Lessons:
Course Lessons can contain either a Video, an Audio clip, or an Assessment if desired. To include additional media in your Course Products, create a new Lesson.
Looking to reorder your Lessons and Modules? Learn more
Automations are powerful tools to help streamline and automate your business.
Essentially Automations work with "When" triggers" and "Then" Actions. This means that the "Then" Action specified will occur when the "When" Trigger fires. Learn to add Automations to your Course Lesson.
Automations can be used in Course Products after a Lesson or Quiz is completed (the "When" trigger) to implement a variety of actions, such as:
- Grant an offer.
- Revoke an offer.
- Subscribe to an email sequence.
- Unsubscribe from an email sequence.
- Register to an event.
- Deregister from an event.
- Add a tag.
- Remove a tag.
- Send an email.
- Send a single-use coupon.
Read the full Automations Overview to learn more about Automations in Kajabi.
And that’s how you can create Products on Kajabi! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!