Creating Email Campaigns

Kayla M.

calendar_month Updated

Learn the basics of creating and sending Email Campaigns to your email subscribers.

Introducing Email Campaigns

On Kajabi, there are two types of Email Campaigns:

  • Email Sequences: one or more emails triggered after a visitor has completed an action such as completing a Form or purchasing an Offer. 
  • Email Broadcasts: an Email Blast, Newsletter, or individually crafted email sent to a specified audience. 

Get started with Email Campaigns

Opening the Email Campaign tab allows you to create new Email Campaigns and displays all of the Email Campaigns you've already created.

At the top of your Email Campaigns page you can filter your Email Campaigns to view:

  • All
  • Drafted
  • Scheduled
  • Sent
  • Or search for specific Email Sequences

Each Email Campaign will display the basic metrics for your Campaign, including:

  • Sends - the number of subscribers the email was sent to.
  • Opened percentage - the percentage of recipients that opened the campaign.
  • Clicked percentage - the percentage of recipients that clicked a link in the campaign.

Hover over your Email Campaign to access more actions, including a more detailed report and to edit, duplicate, or delete your Email Campaign.

Additional resources:

And that’s how you can create Email Campaigns! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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