How to View and Grade Assessment Results

Kayla M.


Learn to view and grade your user's Assessment results and export the results in CSV format.

In this article:

How are Assessments graded?

If your Assessment consists of multiple choice or multiple selection questions, you have the option to have these questions automatically graded when a user completes the Assessment.

Learn how to enable automatic grading in your assessment.

Use After Submission Settings to send an email to your Assessment submitter with a link to the results of their completed, graded assessment when you are using automatic grading.

For paragraph or file upload Assessment questions, you can view and export the results of a completed Assessment to see the details of each question response.

If you include multiple different question types in your auto-graded Assessment, only the multiple choice and multiple selection questions will be automatically graded. Paragraph and file upload questions won't be auto-graded or included in the total percentage completed.

If you choose to create an Assessment that is automatically graded, the results will display a "Passed" status and a "Percentage" value for each Assessment submission. If your Assessment is not set to automatically grade each submission, all results will display "Passed".

Automatically Graded:


Not Automatically Graded:


How to view Assessment results

To view the results of your Assessment:

  • Open the Contacts tab from the Dashboard.
  • Select Assessments.
  • Click the title of the Assessment you wish to view.
  • Select the View Results tab:


How to export Assessment results

To export results in CSV format:

  • Open the Contacts tab from the Dashboard. 
  • Select Assessments.
  • Click the title of the Assessment you wish to export.
  • Select the View Results tab:
  • Click the Export button at the top right of the page:

Your exported Assessment results will be sent to the email associated with your Kajabi account. Check your email inbox for an email from Kajabi Support with the Subject line: Assessment results export completed!

In your email, view your exported Assessment results to see more details for each submission.

Automatically Graded Assessment:

Not Automatically Graded Assessment:

The Assessment feature inside of Courses has been sunset. This feature may still appear in older accounts. The Quizzes feature is now available inside of Courses and offers advanced functionality. Assessments can still be added to Web Pages.

And that's how to view and grade Assessment results! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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