How to Embed a Calendar in a Course Product

Kayla M.


Learn to embed a calendar in the main page of your Course Product to display your availability, upcoming events, and more! 

In this article:

Embedding a calendar

Embedding a calendar in your Course Product is a great way to communicate your events, future lessons, launches, and availability to your customers! 

First, choose your preferred calendar (e.g., Google Calendar, Calendly, Acuity, Hubspot, etc.) and copy the embed code.

For the purpose of this guide, we will use Google Calendar to embed a calendar onto our main Course Page:


Step 1. Copy your calendar embed code

Before embedding a calendar in your Course Product, create the calendar and configure it to display your desired events.

After your calendar is ready to embed (with all the events you wish to share with your customers) copy the embed code:

Click to enlarge image1605E050-9311-47F8-AF66-A4FD66C3EF8A.png

Read Google's Guide to embedding a Google Calendar to learn how to copy their embed code.

This step will vary depending on the calendar of your choosing. If you are using a different calendar, refer to their support guides to create and copy the embed code. 

Step 2. Paste your embed code into your Product

After copying your embed code, navigate to your Kajabi account to paste your code into your Course Product:

  • Open the Products tab from the Dashboard.
  • Click into an existing Course or create a new one.
  • Select the Customize tab.
  • Hover over your Product Template and click Customize.
  • In the left sidebar, select the section of your Course where you wish to add the calendar.
  • Click Add Content.
  • Select a Code block as the content type.
  • Paste the embed code into the Code block.
  • Click Save to embed your calendar:

And that's how to embed a calendar in a Course Product! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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