How to Connect a Custom Email Domain with Namecheap

David Giali


Learn how to connect your custom email domain from Namecheap to your Kajabi Account.

In this article:

Connecting your custom email domain with Namecheap

To connect your custom email domain to Kajabi, you'll need to add the following DNS records provided by Kajabi to your DNS provider:

Don't delete or replace existing DNS records when you add new DNS records provided by Kajabi.

Access DNS records in Namecheap

To access your DNS records in Namecheap:

  • Go to your Namecheap dashboard.
  • Locate your domain and click Manage to the right of your domain name.
  • Then, select the Advanced DNS tab:

Add your unique DNS records from Kajabi to Namecheap

It may not be possible to complete all of the following steps in Google Chrome. We recommend using a different browser to update your DNS records in Namecheap.

To add your DNS records from Kajabi to Namecheap:

Step 1. Create your unique DNS records in Kajabi

In order to generate your unique DNS records in Kajabi, you must first add your custom email domain in your Kajabi Marketing Settings.

To create your DNS records:

  • Open the Settings tab on the lower left of your Kajabi dashboard.
  • Select Marketing Settings.
  • Scroll down to the Email Settings section.
  • Locate your Custom Email Domain settings.
  • Input the From name, From email, and Reply-to email for your custom email domain.
  • Then, click Setup Custom Email Domain.
  • Your unique DNS records will appear on the Custom Email Domain Setup page:

Step 2. Add TXT Records

Please note that Kajabi may use different terms for some of the values in a DNS record than those used by any given DNS provider, like Namecheap. For instance, the terms "Name", "Host", and "Host Name" usually refer to the same DNS record component.

To add your TXT records:

  • In your Namecheap Advanced DNS settings, locate your Host Records.
  • Click + Add New Record and select TXT Record from the dropdown menu.
  • Copy the Host value for the first TXT record created by Kajabi and paste it into the Host field in Namecheap.
  • Then, copy the Value content in Kajabi and paste it into the Value field in Namecheap.
  • Keep the default value (Automatic) in the TTL field.
  • Repeat these steps to add the second and third TXT records.
  • Then, click Save All Changes:

Step 3. Add MX Records

  • In Namecheap, scroll down to Mail Settings. 
  • Click the Mail Settings dropdown menu and select Custom MX.
  • Copy the Host value for the first MX record created by Kajabi and paste it into the Host field in Namecheap.
  • Then, copy the Value content in Kajabi and paste it into the Mail Server field in Namecheap.
  • Enter 10 for the Priority
  • Keep the default value (Automatic) in the TTL field.
  • Click Save All Changes.
  • Then, click + Add New Record.
  • Repeat these steps to add the second MX record, but enter 20 for the Priority:

Step 4. Add CNAME Record

  • In Namecheap, scroll back up to Host Records.
  • Click + Add New Record and select CNAME Record from the dropdown menu.
  • Copy the Host value for the CNAME record created by Kajabi and paste it into the Host field in Namecheap.
  • Then, copy the Value content in Kajabi and paste it into the Target field in Namecheap.
  • Keep the default value (Automatic) in the TTL field.
  • Then, click Save All Changes:

Step 5. Wait!

The verification process can take up to 48 hours due to the timeframe for the Domain Name System (DNS) changes to propagate.

What does this mean?

To create a successful connection:

  • A custom subdomain has been added to ensure that your records don't interfere with existing domains.
  • Your DNS changes must propagate, meaning that Internet Service Provider (ISP) nodes across the world must update their caches with your new DNS information.

Can I send emails during this time?

Yes! As your custom email domain propagates, your marketing emails will continue to send via Kajabi's shared marketing email domain. 

Can I make changes to my 'from' information during this time?

After updating your DNS records, you can continue to make changes to your "from name", "from email", and "reply-to email". These changes will not impact your custom email domain setup.

Regardless of your connection status (i.e. connection pending, error, or successful connection), you can continue to make changes to your 'from' information. 

How will I know when it's done?

After the verification process has completed, you'll receive an email notification from Kajabi Support:

  • Your custom email sending domain is confirmed
  • There is a problem with your custom email sending domain

If you've received an email notification that your custom email domain is confirmed, your marketing emails will now be sent to your list using your newly branded email domain!

And that’s how you can connect your custom email domain with Namecheap! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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