Kajabi Podcasts FAQ

David Giali


Podcasts are an excellent way to share information with the world, letting your audience in on conversations they wouldn’t normally have access to in their everyday life.

Have questions about Podcasts in Kajabi? We've put together a few Frequently Asked Questions to help!

Kajabi Podcast FAQs

Are Podcasts part of Kajabi at no extra cost to me? 

Yes. However, each Podcast, not the episodes, will count towards the product quota on your account. We do not limit how many episodes can be uploaded. 


Is Kajabi Podcasts IAB certified? 

No, Kajabi is not. 


Are there any storage limits with Kajabi Podcasts? 

Kajabi stores all files on our servers and has a size limit of 250MB per episode. We have no limit on how many episodes.


What file types does Kajabi support for Podcasts?

Kajabi Podcasts only supports MP3 for new file uploads

For existing podcasts that are being uploaded via our importer, Kajabi supports MP3 and M4A. Any imported files will be replaced by an MP3 


Who owns the content customers upload to Podcasts? 

You own your content. Kajabi is only hosting the content on our platform to share it with your audience.


When switching to Kajabi Podcasts, how can I move all of my episodes? 

We have an import feature that will pull down all episodes and create a podcast within Kajabi. We recommend keeping your existing podcast host running for a couple of weeks as you request Apple, Google, and Spotify to redirect to the new Kajabi RSS feed that would be created after the import.


Can we switch between Public and Paid Podcasts?

No, you will not be able to transfer a public podcast to a paid podcast and vice versa.


Can I upload Podcast Episode transcripts?

Yes. See the requirements for Podcast Episode transcript uploads, below.

Podcast Episode transcripts must be:

  • In TXT file format
  • Less than 2 MB
  • Encoded using the UTF-8 character set
Most TXT file editors (such as TextEdit for Mac and Notepad for PC) default to using the UTF-8 character set, however, if you encounter an error while uploading your transcript file and you have met all of the upload requirements, consider checking the settings on your text editor to ensure it is using the UTF-8 character set. If you are still experiencing issues, you may need to copy the text from your transcript file and paste it into a new TXT file.


Will my podcast channel and episodes pull properly for SEO?

Yes, the main channel page is tagged properly and renders on the main HTML page.

This includes:

  • Podcast page
  • Episode page
  • Episode transcript file from the episode page


Why can’t I import my Podcast and make it private? 

Importing Podcasts into Kajabi and making them Private is not available at this time due to privacy/monetization concerns if someone does not own the content they are importing. 


Can I edit my podcast feed page? 

There is no option to edit this page, this is a default feed page that uses your podcast name as the ending URL slug name (example: https://domain.com/podcasts/your-podcast-name).


Can I set up my public podcast so that the most recent episodes appear on my Kajabi website template or landing page?

We currently do not have the ability to share podcast feeds as an element or card feature at this time. 


Can I embed my Kajabi podcasts and player on an external website?

We currently do not provide an embed code to embed your Kajabi podcast and player on an external website.


Why aren't all of my podcast episodes appearing on my podcast import?

If all of your podcast episodes are not appearing on your podcast import, we recommend double-checking your RSS feed to ensure that all of your episodes are included. 


Can my customers listen to my private podcast on the mobile app?

Not at the moment. We are working to have podcasts accessible in the Mobile app very soon! 


Does Kajabi only syndicate to Apple, Spotify, and Google Podcasts? 

Most other Podcast platforms pull from these three major platforms, however, if you want to guarantee that your podcast shows up on a specific platform you can direct your RSS feed toward that platform. 

The process of updating your podcasts in a distribution location is the responsibility of each third-party platform. Therefore, your podcasts will be made available according to the standards set by the third-party platform used and can take a few hours to populate.

Have additional questions?

Reach out to our Support team for assistance! Click here to learn more about Kajabi Support.


Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to Support if you need additional assistance. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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