How does Kajabi Manage Blocked Emails due to Blacklisting or AV Software

David Giali


Here at Kajabi, we take email deliverability and related topics very seriously. We have and continue to implement many procedures and protocols to ensure your confidence in the platform’s features.

Unfortunately, there are many factors that come into play when emails get blocked or aren't going directly to the inbox. These can be caused by temporary outages, incorrect email configurations, subject lines, the email body content, false positives, unsecured links in the email, and many other factors. To learn more, please see our article on Demystifying Email Deliverability.

We have implemented many automated detection protocols, and as soon as we have any indications that a blacklist, anti-virus, or ISP security suite may be preventing emails from being successfully delivered to a recipient, we reach out to the involved entities as soon as possible to:

  • Understand all of the circumstances surrounding the listing.
  • Work with these entities to get removed from the list.
  • Effectively mitigate future instances to prevent this from happening again.

The various entities that create these lists will have different procedures for the review. We work with these groups immediately once the block is detected. However, we don't have complete control over the timelines associated with removal from the list. Although we have protocols in place, we appreciate you bringing any email issues or similar circumstances to our attention so we can investigate and address them promptly. If you need additional assistance, reach out to Support.

To learn all about the ins and outs of emails, we suggest reading this collection of articles: Email Best Practices.

Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to Support if you need additional assistance. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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