Personalize Your Circles

Kayla M.


Learn to ignite lively discussions about your desired topics.

In this article:

What are circles?

Community circles empower lively discussions about any topic you choose.

Circles live within an Access Group

A circle allows you to segment your customers into more refined groups. With circles, you can set up a feed or a chat to engage your community members.

What circles should I create?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are your goals?
  • What would be valuable for my community?

Circle topics may include conversations around:

  • Mental Health
  • Need Advice
  • Body Positivity
  • #OOTD
  • Books
  • New Drops

Or you can segment by location:

  • Los Angeles Chapter
  • Tokyo Buddies
  • Australia Chapter
  • Canada Chapter
  • Finland Friends

What happens in a circle?

Can anyone create a circle?

Only Admins are allowed to create a circle.

Public Circles vs. Private Circles

A public circle is where all of your new members in an Access Group will be automatically added.

A private circle is where only people you invite from the Access Group will have access to it.

Feed vs Chat 

Feed supports posts and topic threads. It will be displayed in a feed-like style layout where the community can post photos, videos, share content, and show appreciation.

A Chat is a group chat where you can exchange messages with members.

And that’s how you can personalize your Community circles! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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