What Are Community Badges?

Kayla M.


Your Community members can earn a variety of badges to showcase their engagement in your Community and successful completion of accomplishments.

In this article:

How badges are earned

Community badges are earned by completing tasks to earn badge points. Once all tasks tied to a badge are completed, the badge is automatically granted!

All earned badges are visible on your member's profile page to share their accomplishments with your Community.

Types of badges

There are seven different badges your Community members can earn:


  • Unstoppable Member - Completed a new Challenge every day for a whole week.
  • Life of the Circle - Participated daily in a Circle for a whole week.
  • Achiever - Completed at least 5 Challenges in the Community.
  • Pioneer - The first member to complete a Challenge.
  • Helpful - Left helpful feedback on Challenge submissions.
  • Real Friend - Completed a Community profile to share more about themselves.
  • Growth Minded - Completed their first Community Challenge.
At this time, badges are not customizable.

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