How to Access the Code Editor

David Giali


With the Kajabi Pro Plan learn to access and edit the code in your Website, Product, and Landing Pages on Kajabi. 

In this article:

What is the code editor? 

With the code editor you can add and edit the code behind your site to design unique pages for your visitors to interact and engage with. 

The code editor is only available with the Pro Plan. Check out for more details. If you're unfamiliar with editing code, we recommend consulting and hiring a professional to help.

If you have access to the code editor, you'll see the Modify code feature when viewing the More Actions menu for your pages:


Website template

To access and edit the code for your Standard Website Pages:

  • Open the Website tab from the Dashboard.
  • Locate the template you wish to edit.
  • Click either the down arrow on your live template or on your saved template and select Modify code:

Looking to update your website template? Click here to learn more. Changes made inside the code editor may not be applied to your updated template version. If you are unfamiliar with editing code please refrain from changing the template structure. We recommend hiring a professional to help. 

Course Product template

To edit the code of your Course Product template:

  • Open the Products tab from the Dashboard.
  • Select the Course Product you wish to edit.
  • Click Customize.
  • Locate your desired Product template.
  • Click  and select Modify code:

Landing page template

To edit the code of your Landing Page template:

  • Open the Website tab from the Dashboard.
  • Click Pages.
  • Open the Landing pages tab.
  • Locate the page you wish to edit.
  • Click  and select Modify code:

Using the code editor

Kajabi template code is written in Liquid

With code editor access in Kajabi, you'll have the ability to view and modify your template code directories and corresponding files.

Refer to Kajabi's Template Documentation for a complete overview of each template directory.

It's important to keep in mind that changes to your code will not be retained if you choose to update your template.

To use the code editor in Kajabi:

  • Open the code editor for your template as directed above.
  • Select your desired directory.
  • Select your desired file.
  • Modify your code as needed.
  • Click Save.
  • Optional step: Click Preview:

Kajabi's Support Team is unable to assist with creating or modifying custom code. We highly recommended seeking assistance from a professional before modifying your template code.

Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to Support if you need additional assistance. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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