How to Use Drip Content to Release Product Lessons Over Time

David Giali


Learn to drip content to release Product Lessons over time from your customer's Start Date.

In this article:

What is Drip Content?

Drip content allows you to release the Lessons within a Product Module over time instead of giving the customer immediate access to all of your Product Lessons up front.

With drip content you have the ability to set Modules in Kajabi to release any number of days after a customer gains access to the Product (i.e., from their Start Date).

For example, if you set a Module to release 7 days after your customer's start date, your customer will gain access to the Product Lessons in the Dripped Module 7 days after their start date. 

Therefore, if your customer gains access to your Product on a Sunday and you have set the first Module to drip 7 days after their start date, your customer will gain access to the dripped content the following Sunday, 7 days after their start date (or Purchase Date if you have not set a different start date).


This is a great tool if you want to have new content released to a customer each day, week, or month after they join.

Keep in mind that Dripped content must be dripped no less than 1 day. If you set your Dripped content to 0, you will receive an error as it is equivalent to publishing the content. Instead, publish your content if you wish to release your new content immediately.

Drip settings are set by the number of days. If you wish to release content over weeks or months, calculate the number of days you wish to pass before your customers can access your dripped Modules. On Kajabi, drip content up to 731 days in advance and no less than 1 day.

To drip content:

  • Open the Products tab from your Dashboard.
  • Open Courses or All Products.
  • Select the Course Product you wish to edit or create a new one.
  • Locate the Module within the Product you want to Drip.
  • Click the Content Release Icon on the right of the Module you want to Drip.
  • In the dropdown menu, select Drip.
  • Choose how many days after purchase/grant that you want the Module to be available and hit save.
  • Repeat for the following Modules depending on how often you want content to be released:

Configuring drip settings

If a Module is set to Drip, an email will be sent to the customer on the day that the Module becomes available to them at the time you specify in your Settings tab under Drip Settings.

To do this:

  • Open the Settings tab from your Dashboard.
  • Click Drip Settings:


  • Use the dropdown menus to select your desired time, time zone, and select the box indicating you would like to send a notification email to your customers when their content becomes available:


  • Be sure to click Save to keep and apply your settings.

Member drip email notification

When content is released, your customers are notified with an automated email sent by your site. Learn to customize this email.

The default Email Template for Member Drip Notifications looks like this:


Customizing the member drip email notification

To customize the member drip email template:

  • Open the Settings tab from your Dashboard.
  • Then, open Email Templates:


  • Select the Member Drip Notification template:


  • Edit your customer drip notification email.
  • Click Save to keep and apply your changes:

Learn about the automated emails sent by your site for more details.

And that's how you can use Drip Content to release Product Lessons over time! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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