How to Connect Additional Products to Your Offer

David Giali


During the creation of a new Offer, you will be prompted to select a Product to attach to that Offer. You can add multiple Products to the same Offer or replace the Product already attached. Bundling products together in an offer is a great promotional tool to sell multiple products at once!

Bundle your products

To add product(s): 

  • Open the Sales tab from your Dashboard.
  • Then, select Offers.
  • There, choose the Offer you wish to edit or create a new one
  • Scroll down to the Products in this Offer section.
  • Click Add Product to include your desired Product.
  • Click Save to keep and apply your changes:

If customers have already purchased the Offer before you add additional Product(s), choose to give access to your existing customers that have already purchased the Offer or only give access to new customers.

And that's how to connect additional Products to your Offer! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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