The contacts importer tool gives you the option to upload a comma-separated value (CSV) file with multiple custom data fields, copy and paste contacts from a spreadsheet, or type info directly into the import table. In this article, you'll learn how to use our import tool to add and update contacts on Kajabi.
In this article:
Import File Requirements Overview
The Kajabi Contact Importer tool uses intelligent column mapping.
In other words, Kajabi will recognize column headers in your .CSV file and then organize the data accordingly. This allows you to upload your contacts with up to 50 data fields and up to 100 tags per upload.
Yes, that's right... 100 tags per upload!
But, in order for the intelligent mapping to do its thing, you will need to prepare your .CSV file for import.
Daily Limit: Import up to 40,000 contacts daily with an active Kajabi account.
To prepare a downloaded .CSV file from a third-party CRM for Importing
For the Kajabi Contact Importer to organize your contacts' data best, it is critical to label the column headings in the first row of the spreadsheet.
For the best results, start with Email Address, followed by Name, and then the other fields you would like to retrieve.
Keep in mind the maximum number of Header Fields Kajabi can import is 50.
To prepare a blank .CSV file for importing:
- Get started by opening an existing .CSV file or a blank worksheet in a spreadsheet application like Google Sheets or Excel.
- Create and label a column in the first row. We recommend naming the first column Email Address:
In the next column of the same row, create and name additional columns, such as; Name, Phone Number, and other information fields you would like to import to Kajabi:
For example, with a spreadsheets like Google Sheets, you can use the formula
to combine the first and last name fields in Column A and Column B into a single name column. Learn more
Import Your Contacts to Kajabi
To import your contacts to Kajabi using the contact Importer:
- Open the Contacts tab from the Dashboard.
- From the Contact Manager dashboard, click the + Import Contacts button or + Add Contacts to begin adding contacts to your site.
Then select how you would like to import your contacts:
- Import CSV to upload multiple contacts,
- Add Single Contact to import an individual contact quickly and easily to your list.
Import a Single Contact
- Navigate to your Kajabi Dashboard.
- Go to your Contacts Page and click "Add contacts".
- Click "Add Single Contact".
- Complete the "Name" and "Email" fields.
- You may also wish to Add a Tag or Grant Offers.
- Select the "Subscribe to marketing emails" field.
- When you're done, click "Save".
Import CSV
If you choose to import a CSV, select your preferred method:
Upload File
- Click Upload File and select your prepared .CSV file into the file picker.
Copy/Paste from File
- Click Copy and Paste from file and then copy and paste the rows from a prepared CSV file into the text box.
Column Mapping
The Kajabi Contact Importer uses intelligent column mapping. This means that Kajabi will recognize column headers and then organize the data accordingly.
Review and Edit the Recognized Columns
Though the Kajabi Contact Importer is pretty awesome, it's not perfect. Make sure to review and edit the columns from the .CSV file. When clicking on the icon in the top right corner of the column, Kajabi will give you the options:
- Existing Field: Choose an existing field from your Contacts tab.
- New Field: Create a new field that will be saved to your Contacts tab.
- Skip Column: Skip the column and waive the accompanying data.
Create new custom fields during the import process
If the field is not recognized, Kajabi will then prompt you to create a new Custom Field.
For instance, if the header is something specific such as a company name, Kajabi will ask to create a new field.
This field will then be recognized when importing future contacts.
Bulk Actions
- Grant an offer: Grant your newly imported contacts an Offer upon import.
- Add Tags: Add an existing tag to your newly imported contacts or create a new tag on the fly.
Subscribe to email marketing: Click the checkbox to subscribe to your newly imported contacts to your email marketing list. Keep in mind, this could harm your deliverability if your contacts did not opt-in to your mailing list.
Click here to learn more about Email List best practices!
Kajabi will send a confirmation email to the email address associated with your account once the upload is complete.
This email will include:
- The total count of successfully imported contacts with both new and updated contact counts combined.
- A link to a file that explains which contacts weren't uploaded along with the error reason.
The file of rejected contacts includes a record of rejected contacts and rows, along with an explanation of the error.
What happens if there is a duplicate contact?
Kajabi prevents the creation of duplicate contacts to help you keep an organized list so long as the same email address is used when added to your site.
Automatic emails sent after import
When importing your users onto Kajabi they will be created as Contacts or as Customers.
Learn more about the differences between contacts, customers, and subscribers.
Importing Contacts
A user is imported as a Contact when they are added to your Kajabi list without being granted an Offer:
Contacts will not receive an automatic email of any kind when you import them to your Kajabi list.
Learn about the automated emails sent by your site
Importing Customers
A user is imported and created as a Customer when they are granted an Offer during the import process:
Customers will receive the:
- Customer Welcome Email,
- As well as the Offer Grant Confirmation email.
Learn more about the automated emails sent by your site.
And that’s how you can import contacts onto Kajabi!
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