What is the Difference Between Purchasing a Free Offer and Granting an Offer?

Joey Gallotta


Purchasing a free Offer and Granting an Offer to a customer may be similar. However, there are some distinct differences to keep in mind. 

Granting an Offer gives a customer free access to a paid Offer, putting you in control of who can access your Offer for free.

Selling a Free Offer, on the other hand, means your Offer is publicly available for free to all potential customers.

Although Granted Offers and Free Offers ultimately give customers access to your content for free, purchasing a free Offer requires your customer to go through your Offer checkout process and a Granted Offer does not.

What do I do if my customers don't receive my Offer Grant Email?

Your Offer Grant Email is categorized as a bulk email. If your customers have unsubscribed from similar Offer Grant Emails from you in the past, they may not receive the Offer Grant Email.

If you need additional assistance sending your Offer Grant Email to your customers, reach out to Support.


How is a customer granted an Offer?

Customers can be granted an offer at the time they are imported to your contacts list, directly from your contacts list, or through automation.

Learn more about how to grant an offer.

How does a customer purchase a free Offer?

Once you have created a live offer and set the price to free, potential customers can go through your checkout page to make their purchase.

Learn more about how to create a free offer.

Who receives the Offer Grant Confirmation email?

Newly imported or existing customers who are granted an offer that are subscribed to receive your marketing emails.

Who receives the Offer Purchase Confirmation email?

New and existing customers who go through the checkout process and purchase a new offer on your site.

Who receives the Member Welcome email?

New customers who are created manually on your site and granted an offer.

Learn more about how to manually add a new customer to your site.

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