Learn to protect your online business by adopting a few best practices that will help you stay safe, secure, and online.
Protecting your business
In today's world, the internet has become the wild west. That's why we want to help you protect your business by sharing a few best practices that you can put in place today.
Protect your data
While on your Kajabi account, be sure to enable anti-virus (Windows Defender, etc.) and configure your firewall on your personal machine. Avoid sharing any personally identifiable information (i.e., social security number, credit card) on Kajabi or in any email message, phone call, text message, or instant message.
Install anti-malware and update OS software
Software can occasionally include bugs or vulnerabilities (errors in software code that could create holes in a computer or network's defenses) that allow someone to potentially monitor or control the electronic devices you use for your Kajabi account. To limit these vulnerabilities, it's important to keep your device(s) up to date.
Password Complexity
At Kajabi, we take account security seriously. That is why we require your password to be at least 10 characters long. Password Complexity means that a password must include at least 10 characters and use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters (e.g., !?$):
Be wary of unknown emails and links
Clicking on a suspicious link could potentially result in a security breach. Phishing can lead to identity theft. While on your Kajabi account, never include personal and sensitive information in an email message or on your public website.
Back up important information
Good practice is to regularly backup all your data from your Kajabi account (contacts, etc.). This will be helpful in the event your electronic device is compromised or your system hard-drive crashes (i.e., word documents, financial files, all other data stored on your computer and in the cloud). Important data should be backed up at least once a week.
Browser warnings and smart online shopping
Ensure that your custom domain on Kajabi forces SSL usage.
Only connect to your Kajabi account via secure WiFi and log off public computers
Do not use public WiFi while on your Kajabi account (or any account with sensitive information, like your bank account). Your data is vulnerable to being intercepted. Wait until you've returned home! If you're in public we recommend using a VPN or mobile hotspot that you maintain.
Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to Support if you need additional assistance. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!