Email Campaigns Overview

David Giali


Email marketing is an essential tool for online businesses to build relationships and inform prospects, leads, current customers, and even past customers. Learn to create and use Email Campaigns to advance your online business. 

In this article:

Using Email Campaigns

An Email Campaign is a strategic set of marketing emails that a business sends to its email list to drive a specific action or outcome.

Email Campaigns allow you to design the perfect customer experience — creating the right messages and the right timing — and set it all up in advance. 

Whether your business is large or small, it’s physically impossible to manually send out every email that needs to be sent to your audience. By building your Email Campaigns in advance and automating as many of them as possible, your business runs almost on autopilot. This frees you to support your students, market your business, and build more knowledge products.

With Kajabi, you can A/B Test your Email Broadcasts. Learn more about Email A/B Testing.

To create a new Email Campaign:

  • Open the Marketing tab from your Dashboard. 
  • Select Email Campaigns.
  • Click + New Email Campaign in the top right.

You will then be prompted to choose between an Email Broadcast or an Email Sequence

Broadcast vs. Sequence


An Email Broadcast is a single email that promotes, announces, or shares something of interest to your audience. Email Broadcasts are typically sent manually. You can schedule them in advance, but you must set them up each time you want to send a message.

Email Broadcasts are perfect for sending an email on a specific day at a specific time. You can write them, upload them to your email service provider, and schedule them to go out to your entire list at the time you specify. 

Learn to schedule your email campaigns.

With Kajabi, you can now A/B Test your Email Broadcasts. Learn more about Email A/B Testing.


An Email Sequence is a series of emails built in advance and sent by a trigger based on customer behavior, such as signing up for your lead magnet, joining your course, or submitting a Form.

Since the sequence is triggered by customer behavior, the emails in a sequence are sent asynchronously. Each subscriber in the sequence will receive emails on various dates based on the day they subscribed to the email sequence.

By default, the first email is set to send the day after the trigger event (this can be edited during the email creation process). The rest of the emails in the sequence are sent according to the schedule you set when you build it.

For instance, you can set up your sequence to have Email #1 sent immediately (i.e., Day 0), Email #2 sent on the following day, Email #3 on day 3, and Email #4 on day 4. The waiting period between emails is up to you on the days following your day 0 email — from an hour to a few days, or even months.

To learn more about how to create Email Broadcasts and Sequences, follow our in-depth guides: 

Simple Text vs. HTML

When designing your Email Campaign, you can choose between two different looks and feels:

  • Simple text
  • HTML

Simple text emails look like personal emails. There are no fancy layouts, images, or buttons. This type of email is perfect for long-form emails and for short messages that look like you sent them from your personal computer.

Simple text emails can include design elements, such as bold and italics. But they’re simple by design — to give the impression that you sent your email directly to the recipient without using your email service provider.

Creating a simple text Email Campaign in Kajabi is as easy as choosing the Simple Text template. 

HTML emails are designed to be eye-catching and engaging. They might include banners, logos, headlines, images, and buttons. An HTML email can have the same look and feel as your website, creating a unique branding experience.

HTML Email Campaigns can come in many shapes and sizes; that's why Kajabi has created over 20 different HTML email templates to create your campaigns:


Customizing your emails

The visual editor makes it easy to add rich design to your emails and gives your audience a sophisticated, highly branded experience every time you hit send.

Make professionally designed emails without knowing a lick of code by choosing one of our 15+ highly customizable templates. Then, make them your own by customizing color schemes and fonts and adding beautifully organized layouts of images and text. 

Learn how to customize your emails with the Email Visual Editor.

Saving custom emails as templates

An email template allows you to save the design and branding from your beautifully designed Email Campaign and use it again and again with ease.

With a custom email template, you can save time, recreate successful Email Campaigns, and create branded emails faster than ever before.

Learn how to save your custom emails as templates.

And that's an overview of Email Campaigns! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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