Updated Partner Terms & Services FAQ's

David Giali

This article is for Kajabi Heroes enrolled in the Hero Partner Program.
If you don’t have an active Kajabi subscription and are part of the Kajabi Partner Program, or are interested in joining, please access relevant resources here.

The Kajabi Partner Program Terms and Services have been updated. Here you can find the answers to some common questions about how this update affects you and your business. 

Question: What will happen to my existing commissions under this new agreement?

You'll still receive the commission through PayPal after our 60-day hold.

Question: Is all paid advertising now off-limits to me as a partner?

No, you can still run paid ads under the new agreement. But there are new restrictions: You can't link directly to any Kajabi-owned site. You also can't run ads that include your direct partner link or use any Kajabi keywords.

Here's an example of a paid media campaign you could run: Sending paid traffic to your own page titled "How to choose the right online course platform for you" and including your Kajabi partner link inside that page.

Question: So if I have a blog with my Partner link on it, can I still run ads to it?

Absolutely! As long as you're not using Kajabi in the keywords and the page you're running ads to is your own.

Question: If I cancel my own Kajabi account, can I still get commissions as a Partner? What happens if I cancel and reactivate?

No, you must maintain an active Kajabi account to make referrals and get commissions as a partner. If you cancel your account, you forfeit any further commissions. If you re-activate later, you'll be starting from scratch as a Partner.

Question: What happens if one of my active referrals cancels their account and then signs up again later?

It depends on how they sign up. If your referral cancels and reactivates their existing account, you will get a commission. However, if your referral cancels and signs up with a new account you will not get the commission. To receive the commission for a referral that cancels and signs up with a new account, your referral will need to sign up with one of your Partner links again.

Question: What happens if one of my active referrals is past due on their Kajabi subscription payments?

If there is a delay in a referral's Kajabi subscription payment, there will also be a delay in the Partner commission. 

Question: What are the specific "Kajabi Keywords" that I cannot use in an ad campaign?

You cannot use the word Kajabi when bidding for keywords. For example: “Kajabi courses” would not be allowed but “online course builder” would be.


Still have questions? Let us know your question below to have it added to the list or reach out to Support if you need additional assistance. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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