How to Create Branded App Push Notifications

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Learn how to send your Course customers push notifications from your Branded App.

In this article:

What are push notifications?

Push notifications are messages that pop up on app users’ device screens. If a user clicks on the notification, it will open a specific app page or web URL:

Push Notification Example.png

Sending your app users push notifications is a great way to stay top-of-mind, share important announcements, advertise what’s new in your Course, and more.

When you create a Branded App with Kajabi, you can send your customers push notifications from your app whenever you like! Choose which segment of your app users to notify, specify a date and time to send your notification, and select which page will open when someone clicks.

Community Push Notifications:
Community Push Notifications are available! Check out this article to learn how to set up your community push notifications.

Push notification best practices

New to sending push notifications? We’ve got you covered. Here are some best practices to follow when sending push notifications to your Course customers.

Push notification length

The number of text characters visible in a push notification varies by device. That said, many readers won’t hang around to read the max character count.

In most cases, your push notification content should be very short and to the point (i.e. one concise sentence).

Example: “Just dropped: New course bonus material 🎉”

Push notification content

Your notification message should be relevant to all recipients and make clear what action they should take.

Use push notifications to share this type of content:

  • Advertising the release of a new Course Lesson
  • Announcing an update to existing Course content
  • Reminding about an upcoming Course activity or event
  • Sharing a relevant and interesting fact or action tip
  • Asking a thoughtful question related to a Course topic

Avoid using push notifications for:

  • Sending messages that may be irrelevant for some customers
  • Advertising something unrelated to the Course 
  • Spammy-sounding promotions

Push notification timing

Sending push notifications is a great way to encourage your customers to stay engaged with your Course. But you also don’t want to overwhelm people with too many notifications or they might turn them off.

How often you should send notifications depends on your target audience and the reason. If you plan to send notifications at regular intervals, start with a few notifications per week, ask for customer feedback, and adjust as needed.

Also consider what time of day you send your notifications. It’s generally best to avoid sending anything out during nighttime hours for the majority of your customer base.

Create a push notification

To create a new push notification for your Branded App members:

  • From your Kajabi dashboard, select Marketing.
  • Then, select Push notifications.
  • Click + New notification at the top right of the page:

Create New Notification.png

  • Choose to send the notification to Everyone who allows notifications or to a Custom segment.
  • If you choose to notify a custom segment of your members, use the “Category”, “Conditional”, and “Value” dropdown menus to create one or more filters specifying who will receive the notification:

  • Enter a notification Title up to 28 characters in length.
  • Then, enter Message content up to 150 characters in length:

Title and Message.png

Want to add emojis to your push notifications to make them more eye-catching? Open the emoji picker on Mac using control + command + spacebar, or open the emoji picker on PC using Windows key + period key. Select your emoji and close the picker to add it to your notification.
  • Next, select which page to open when someone clicks on your notification: the product Library page, a Course page, or a custom Web Address.
  • If you choose Course or Web Address, a second input field will appear allowing you to specify the desired Course or URL:

  • Finally, choose to either Send now or Schedule a time to send your notification.
    (Or, click Save draft at the top right of the page to return and finish later).
  • To send the notification now, click Send Now at the top right of the page.
  • To schedule your notification for a future time:
    • Select Schedule a time.
    • Click into the date/time field, select your desired send date and time from the calendar, and click Apply.
    • Click Schedule at the top right of the page:

When a push notification is sent, it can take up to 10 minutes before it reaches devices as it needs to route through both Apple and Google's servers.

View and edit push notifications

Push notifications you’ve drafted, scheduled, or sent will appear on your Push notifications page (located under the Marketing tab). You can also view how many app users the notification was sent to, and how many times it was opened:

View Notifications.png

Use the “Filter by status” and “Search push notifications” fields to locate and view specific notifications:

Filter or Search.png

Notification statuses available in the filter menu include:

  • Draft
  • Scheduled
  • Sent
  • Sending
  • Failed

Click the icon to the far right of a notification to open the Editing Options menu:

Edit a Notification.png

In the Editing Options, choose to:

  • Edit, duplicate, or delete a notification in Draft status.
  • Duplicate, unschedule, or delete a Scheduled notification.
  • Duplicate or delete a Sent notification.
    (Note: deleting a notification that has already been sent will only delete the notification from your Push notifications page, it will not remove the notification from your app users’ devices).

And that’s how you can create Branded App push notifications! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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