How to Add and Edit Upsells and Downsells

David Giali


Maximize your profit by adding Upsells and Downsells to your order flow. Your customers can choose to purchase additional product(s) after completing their initial purchase.

In this article:

Upsells and Downsells

What is an Upsell?

An Upsell is used as a way to advertise another Offer after the initial Offer has been purchased.

A user will complete a purchase and the Upsell will appear as a separate page after checking out and before the account creation page:


Add up to 10 upsells and downsells to your Offer checkout process. Standard business practice is to use between 3 - 4 upsells and downsells to avoid overwhelming your customers.

The upsell page will ask your customer to make an additional purchase. Your customer can then choose to purchase the Upsell or decline the Upsell.

Afterward, they will be redirected to the account creation page to set up their account details. 

Learn more about what happens when a customer purchases an Offer.

What is a Downsell?

A Downsell is another Offer presented to customers that decline to purchase the Upsell.

This gives you a second chance to make an additional sale if your customer declines the original Upsell.

Downsells are typically lower-priced Offers, a discount on the same Product, or an Offer for a completely new Product.

Learn more about adding and editing Downsells.

Adding an upsell

To add your Upsell Offer to a Paid Offer:

  • First, create an Offer to use as an Upsell.
  • Then, return to your Offers Dashboard and select the Offer you wish to attach your Upsell to.
  • Navigate to the Upsells tab and click Get Started.
  • In the dropdown menu, select the Offer you want to use as the Upsell.
  • Add a Title and Description for your Upsell, and optionally upload a Video and customize the Purchase button text.
  • Click Add Upsell to apply your changes.
  • Finally, toggle your Upsell to Active to ensure your customers will see it when checking out:

Add up to 10 upsells to your Offer checkout process. Standard business practice is to use between 3 - 4 upsells and downsells to avoid overwhelming your customers.
Upsells can only be added to paid offers. This means that Users with a 100% off coupon for an Offer with an Upsell will not be given the Upsell because it is no longer a paid offer with their coupon applied. Click here to learn more about troubleshooting your Upsell on Kajabi.

Preview your upsell

View your upsell purchase experience by clicking ... to the right of your Upsell status and selecting Preview:


If you want to test your customer experience with multiple Upsells or Downsells in your Offer, decline to purchase each Upsell or Downsell in order to see each page when previewing:

Editing your upsell

Once you have added an Upsell to your Offer, you have the ability to edit specific details of the Upsell even further. 

To edit your upsell:

  • Click the Upsell attached to your Offer within the Offer Builder.
  • Edit the title, subtitle, description, purchase button text, add/or a video:


Removing an upsell

To remove an Upsell from your Offer:

  • Open the Sales tab from the Dashboard. 
  • Click Offers.
  • Select the Offer from which you'd like to remove the Upsell.
  • Navigate to the Upsell tab on the Offer page.
  • On the Upsell page, click the  menu next to the Upsell Offer.
  • Click Remove to delete it:

If you've added a Downsell to your Upsell, you must delete it first prior to deleting the top-level Upsell.

And that's how to add and edit Upsells and Downsells! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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