Learn to update your email preferences and notifications from Kajabi.
In this article:
Marketing emails
Kajabi sends marketing emails to share information about new features, swag rewards for reaching a new Hero tier, promotions, and updates about Kajabi.
You can find out if an email you received from us is a marketing email by scrolling down to the bottom of the email you received and locating the text, "You received this email because you are subscribed to Free Marketing Content from Kajabi." If you see this text, then it is a Kajabi marketing email.
If you wish to subscribe to Kajabi marketing emails, subscribe through your Notifications & Privacy settings.
If you wish to unsubscribe from Kajabi marketing emails, you can unsubscribe from the bottom of your marketing email or your Notifications & Privacy settings.
To unsubscribe from Kajabi's marketing emails from the bottom of your marketing email, scroll to the bottom of the Kajabi's marketing email you received and locate the text, "If you do not want to receive future marketing email messages from Kajabi, click here."
Notification emails
Notification emails are notifications sent from Kajabi to account owners and users. These include the following emails:
Account & security
Subscribe to receive important updates to your Kajabi account, such as password reset emails and getting set up.
Kajabi marketing
Subscribe to Kajabi marketing to receive emails about Kajabi events, featured content, learn about information for the Partner Program, Product news, and get information on research and development opportunities.
Want to stop receiving Kajabi marketing emails?
- Select Unsubscribe from all marketing emails to unsubscribe from all marketing emails from Kajabi.
- Deselect Unsubscribe from all marketing emails if you wish to subscribe to Kajabi's marketing emails.
Comments & posts
Receive notifications when:
- A new comment is created;
- A new reply to your post or comment is created;
- A community customer creates a post.
Customer subscription & payments
Receive email notifications when:
- A subscription payment for a customer fails;
- A customer removes their card on file;
- When a customer cancels a subscription;
- When a customer's offline payment requires authorization.
Kajabi Payments
Receive email notifications when:
- A payout is sent to my bank account;
- I have a negative balance;
- I receive a payment.
- When there is new dispute activity.
- An invoice has been marked as paid.
- An invoice reminder email has been sent.
Data Export
Receive an email notification when data is exported from your account.
Every time data from the following reports are exported you, the owner of the account, will receive a notification if you choose to enable this notification setting:
Creator Studio
Receive an email notification when:
- a project finishes transcribing;
- a highlighted clip has been generated;
- a customized clip is ready to download.
Keep in mind that there may be other types of admin emails that are sent, but the emails listed are the most common.
You can specify the notification emails you want to receive on the Notifications & Privacy page in your settings.
Click here to enlarge the image.
Updating your email notifications
To update your email notifications:
- Open the Settings tab from your Dashboard.
- Select Notifications & Privacy from your Account Settings.
- Update your email notifications.
- Remember to click Save to keep your changes:
And that’s how you can update your email notifications!
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