Learn to navigate your Customer's Transaction Details Page to view purchase details, revoke Product access, perform refunds, and more.
In this article:
What is the Transaction Details page?
The Transaction Details page is a unique page created for every transaction that your customers make, allowing you to view all of the meaningful information about a purchase and take action on the transaction if necessary.
On the transaction details page:
- View the overview information for the Offer purchased or granted,
- Review any transaction activity such as refunds, subscription charges, and payments if applicable.
- View and or send receipts.
- Edit receipt Contact info.
- Edit access start date.
- Revoke all products or individual products.
- Refund transactions.
- Manage product access to the list of products that may be included with the offer purchased or granted.
Manually cancel any future payments and revoke access from your Customer's transaction details Page.
How to access the Transaction Details page
To view your Customer's Transaction Details Page:
- Open the Contacts tab from your Dashboard.
- Select the Customer you wish to view.
- Click into View More next to "Total Offers" from the Contact Preview.
- Locate the Offer you wish to view.
- Click View Details to open the Transaction Details Page for the Offer.
- Click Transactions tab (only applicable to Subscriptions and Multi-pays):
To access the Transaction Details Page, you will first encounter the Purchases tab. This is a great place to view the at-a-glance information about each Offer Purchase before accessing the Purchase Information Page for more info.
The Purchases tab will display:
- Offer title
- Purchase date
- Purchase amount
- Subscription status
- Access status (if access has been revoked).
Transaction Details
View more information about the purchased or granted Offer on the Transaction Details page.
The Transactions Details can include:
- Customer's Name.
- Customer's Email.
- Offer Title and Status: Active, Paid, Completed, Cancelled.
- Their Kajabi Payments email if applicable.
- Stripe Customer ID or PayPal Customer ID if applicable.
- Purchase Date.
- Access Start Date. Learn more
- Access end date if applicable.
- Price of the Offer when purchased.
- Payment exchange rate if purchased via Kajabi Payments.
- Fees if purchased via Kajabi Payments.
- Net profit if purchased via Kajabi Payments.
One-Time Payments
If you are viewing the transaction details page for a One TIme purchase offer, the payment summary, including applicable fees, and transaction details will be displayed on one single page:
Subscription and Multi-Payments
Navigating to the transaction details page for a Subscription or Multiple Payments purchase will present you with an Overview and Transactions tab.
The Subscription details page will show subscription details and customer details:
The Multi-payment page will show multi-payment details, customer details, as well as refund info if any of the multi-payments have been refunded:
If the purchase is an active Subscription or Multiple Payment Offer you can use the "More Actions" (…) menu to update the subscription, pause, or cancel future payments, edit subscription start date, and copy their Kajabi Payments ID:
To view more in-depth transaction information for a Subscription or Multi-Payment purchase:
- From the transaction details page, click Transactions.
- Locate the transaction you wish to view, then select the "More Actions" (…) menu.
- Click view transaction to view more information about that transaction:
You will then be a more detailed transaction information page for your Subscription or Multi-Payment purchase:
The Transactions tab of your Payment Details Page will display subscription transactions related to the purchased Offer.
The Transactions tab will record when a subscription payment is successful, for upcoming payments, if a refund is given, failed payments, and the payment exchange rate if applicable.
If you manage transactions from your Stripe or PayPal account, adjusted activity may not be displayed on the Payment Details Page.
Refer to your Stripe or PayPal account for more detailed information about your customer's transactions.
The Transactions page can also be used to resend and edit your customer receipts, refund payments, as well as manually retry failed payments if processed through Kajabi Payments.
Granted Offers
The Transaction Details page will vary if the Offer was granted instead of purchased.
Granted Offers will display:
- Customer Name.
- Offer Title.
- Purchase Created Date.
- Access Start Date.
- The Payment summary will list the subtotal and total as "free".
For example, a customer with a Granted Offer will display the following information on their Transaction Details page:
Products included in this Offer
View the Offer title and review the Product(s) included with the Offer purchased or granted.
In the Products Included section of your Payment Details Page, view a brief overview of the Product Access Start Date and your Customer's Product Progress:
In this menu, you can choose to revoke all products in the offer, or revoke individual products by using the (…) drop-down menu.
Cancel Payments and Access
The More Actions menu (…) of the Payment Details Page Overview will vary depending on whether the Offer was purchased or granted.
If the Offer was purchased as a recurring subscription or multiple payments you will have the ability to Cancel Payments and Revoke Access directly from the Purchase Information Page. Learn more
However, if the Offer was granted or if the Offer does not contain any future payments (i.e., One-Time Payment Offer) you can Revoke Access to the entire Product offering for the Offer purchased or granted. Learn more
And that’s an overview of the Transaction Details page! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!