How to Grant Access to a Product for a Company With Multiple Logins

Michee Santos

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Learn how to create and grant access to an offer for multiple users that belong to the same company.

In this article:

Step 1. Create a new offer or duplicate an existing offer

To create an Offer:

  • Open the Sales tab from your Dashboard.
  • Select the Offers tab.
  • Click +New Offer
  • Select the Title and a Product you would like to include in this Offer, as well as the price of the Offer:

To duplicate an Offer:

  • Open the Sales tab from your Dashboard.
  • Then, click Offers.
  • Locate the Offer you want to duplicate and click the    icon.
  • Select Duplicate:

Does your offer have automations added to it that you would also like to duplicate? Learn how to duplicate the offer and it's automations here!

Step 2. Import the CSV file 

Once you have created the new Offer, ask the company for a CSV list including the Names and Email Addresses of the people who will be granted access to the course.

To Import a CSV File:

  • Open the Contacts tab from the Dashboard.
  • Click Import Contacts.
  • Select your preferred importing method (i.e., Upload File).
  • Follow the on-screen instructions:

Step 3. Grant the company list the new offer

After adding your contacts, grant your Offer:

  • Click Continue to Import Actions.
  • Select Grant Offer.
  • Select your newly created Offer from the dropdown.
  • Select any additional actions.
  • Click Continue to Summary.
  • Confirm your summary and click Confirm Import:

If any of the contacts included with the company list are existing customers of your site, they will receive the Offer Grant Confirmation email sent by your site.

All new customers imported onto your site with a granted Offer will receive the Offer Grant Confirmation email (if they are subscribed to receive your marketing emails) along with the Member Welcome Email.

Learn to edit your auto-generated email templates.

What do I do if my customers don't receive my Offer Grant Email?

Your Offer Grant Email is categorized as a bulk email. If your customers have unsubscribed from similar Offer Grant Emails from you in the past, they may not receive the Offer Grant Email.

If you need additional assistance sending your Offer Grant Email to your customers, reach out to Support.

Additional resources

Learn more about:

And that's how to grant access to a Product for a company with multiple logins! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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