How to Set Up Monthly Enrolling Memberships

Kayla M.


Learn to offer content to your customers on a monthly rolling basis. This membership model ensures that customers purchasing in Month 1 will receive access to content in Months 1, 2, 3, 4 and on as long as they continue to pay. Then, customers purchasing in Month 2 will only have access to content released in Months 2, 3, 4... and so on.

In this article:

What are monthly enrolling memberships?

A Monthly Enrolling Membership prevents customers from accessing previous content based on the month they purchase.

For example, customers purchasing in January will see all content from January as well as all months going forward, as long as they continue to pay their recurring subscription fees. But customers who purchase in February will not have access to content from January. They'll only see content released from February forward (as long as they continue to pay their subscription).

This model ensures that your customers can only access content that's been made available to them while they've been a paying customer. 

Creating this Membership type utilizes the power of Funnels, Offers, and Products.

To ensure that your customers can only access content from the month they purchase onward, you'll set up a new Offer and its corresponding Product content for each month.  

Setting up your monthly enrolling membership

Setting up a Monthly Enrolling Membership will require creating multiple Products. Check out the Kajabi Pricing Page to find out how many Products are available with your Kajabi subscription.

Step 1. Create your monthly products

To create a Monthly Enrolling Membership, each block of your monthly content must be created as a separate Product. Your Products will be connected to corresponding Offers to ensure that customers purchasing in a specific month will only receive content from that month onward. 

Start by building your first Product for the first month you plan to run your membership.

Learn to create a Product

Then create a new Product for each month you plan to run your Monthly Enrolling Membership:Monthly_Products.png

Prepare your Products by creating Products for each month. Title each Product to easily identify the month it will be released. Then, create your content when and how you see fit.

Step 2. Create your monthly offers

After creating your Product(s), create and edit the corresponding Offers and their Checkout Pages for each month a customer can purchase your membership.

Learn to Create Offers and edit the Checkout Page.

Key Offer Settings:

  • Price: Recurring subscription
  • Automation: When an Offer subscription payment fails

With the Monthly Enrolling Membership model, set up your Offers as recurring subscriptions to receive payments on an ongoing basis. 

In the case of a payment failure or canceled payment, use the power of Automations to trigger an action "When an Offer subscription payment failed" and/or "payment canceled":

For example:

  • Notify you and/or your team to address the issue with a Send an email automation
  • Revoke access to the Offer
  • Deactivate from Offer (discontinue payment & access) if you have Advanced Automations 

Learn more about Automations

Create Offers for each month of your Monthly Enrolling Membership:

Create and edit your first Offer, then duplicate your first Offer for each additional month. For each duplicated Offer, simply change the title, image, and included Product to fit the month the Offer becomes available. Learn to Duplicate your Offer

Step 3. Create your monthly enrolling funnel

Streamline your Monthly Enrolling Membership by using the Sales Page Funnel as your Monthly Enrolling Funnel.

  • Open the Marketing tab from your Dashboard. 
  • Click Funnels.
  • Navigate to the top right corner and click New Funnel.
  • Locate the Sales Page funnel card and click Get started.
  • Enter an easily identifiable Title for your funnel (e.g., Monthly Enrolling Membership).
  • Select the Offer for the first month of your membership (e.g., January Offer).
  • Click Create Funnel:

Want to learn more about Funnels? Check out our guide on Funnels in Kajabi.

Now that you've set up your Monthly Enrolling Membership, learn to manage your Funnel and monthly Offers to ensure that access to your content is only available for the timeframe your customer pays.

Managing your monthly enrolling membership

Managing your Monthly Enrolling Membership is the key to successfully running this type of membership model.

To manage your Monthly Enrolling Membership, simply update your Funnel and monthly Offers for each month of your membership.  

For example:
If your Monthly Enrolling Membership began in January and now February has arrived, update your January Offer to also include your February content (i.e., February Product). Then, change the Offer in your Funnel to the February Offer.

Managing your Membership on a monthly basis ensures that your ongoing content is only available to customers from the month your customers begin paying.

Although Kajabi doesn't have an automated process for this type of model at this time, it's a sustainable, scalable process you can implement for your own business.

Step 1. Edit your funnel

First, edit your Funnel to direct customers to the next month's Offer (in this example, the February Offer). This will ensure that customers purchasing in the next month (e.g., February) will only have access to the February Product.

  • Open the Marketing tab from the Dashboard.
  • Then, select Funnels.
  • Click to open your Monthly Enrolling Membership Funnel.
  • Locate the Offer Checkout page and click the menu at the top right of the card.
  • Then, click Remove.
  • Confirm by clicking Remove again in the pop-up.
  • Next, place your cursor over the vertical line below your Sales Page.
  • Click + Add Offer.
  • Select the Offer for the next month of your membership (e.g., February).
  • Click Save to apply your changes:

Step 2. Edit your offer

In this step, edit your previous Offer(s) to include the content (i.e., Product) for the next month of your membership. This will give customers with the previous Offer(s) access to the content for the new month.

  • Open the Sales tab from the Dashboard.
  • Navigate to Offers.
  • Select the previous Offer.
  • Locate Products in this Offer and click + Add Product.
  • Select your next month's Product.
  • Click Save to keep your changes:

Now every customer that has access to your previous Offer (e.g., January) also has access to your next Offer (e.g., February):Monthly_Enrolling_Membership.png

Have multiple previous Offers?

If you have multiple previous Offers, repeat Step 2 for each previous Offer to include the Product for the new month.

For example, if your membership has entered the month of March, your previous Offer(s) should include Products for each month leading up to March:

  • Customers who subscribed in January will now have access to the Products for January, February, and March.
  • Customers who subscribed in February will now have access to the Products for February and March.
  • Customers who subscribed in March will only have access to the Product for March.

And that's how to set up Monthly Enrolling Memberships! Please vote below and let us know if you found this article helpful. We value your feedback. Thanks for being the best part of Kajabi!

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